Who we are
JD Trading Co. is less of a business and more of the application of corporate faith in what we know to be true: God loves His people and charges us to do the same with the gifts He has graced us with.
JD Trading Co. is a family-owned, purpose-driven limited liability company based in Central Texas, USA. The founders, Romallus and Stephanie Dew are active civil servants in their community as a Secondary Mathematics Teacher and a Patient Care Technician, respectively. We have always heard the calling to serve, and almost 4 years of marriage have shown us that love is charity, service, and sacrifice. We want to share that with you and as many people as possible.
Our Vision is to set a good example.
We are servants of God’s will and His people. We are life-long learners. We lift as we climb by educating, advocating, and inspiring the next generation of leaders. We drape our baby girl, Soleila Ray, with God’s good intentions, love, comfort, and joy. We will nurture her strong sense of wisdom, discipline, and patience. We will teach her to show up with an expectation for the grace of God and equipped with the necessary grit to endure and overcome.
We believe that Jesus Christ Did, Does, and Will Do exceedingly, abundantly, and above anything that you or I could ask or think, according to the power that works in each of us (para. Ephesians 3:20-21). We resolve our faith in this promise and move forward by God’s Grace. To God be all the glory in this space and in our hearts by the love of the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus, forever and ever. Amen.